Aptive / Pest Library / Flies
The Essential Guide to Gnats: Facts, Behaviors & Identification Tips

What do Gnats look like?
Gnats are tiny flying insects, often mistaken for fruit flies or mosquitos. They have slender bodies and long legs, with wings that often form a Y-shape on their back. Gnats are attracted to moisture, organic material, and light, which is why they are frequently found around damp areas, decaying food, and illuminated surfaces. Various species exist, each preferring slightly different environments and conditions, but all share the common trait of being prolific breeders, which can quickly lead to infestations if not managed.
How we treat Gnats
To avoid gnat infestations, focus on reducing the conditions that attract them. Ensure that your living spaces remain dry and manage organic waste effectively by disposing of it promptly and keeping compost bins tightly sealed. Use screens on windows and doors to prevent gnats from entering and consider using yellow sticky traps to catch them. Regularly check and clear areas that may accumulate moisture, such as sink drains, houseplant trays, and bathroom fixtures.
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